Thursday, October 19, 2006

Welcome to a New Year!

Welcome to the world of learning in grade 3! We are off to a great start and very busy with learning activities.

Daily activities now include:

- morning assemblies - Tuesday and Friday with character development themes - for October our focus is on respect. On Wednesday and Thursday all students spend block 1 reading - literacy is one of our school's main academic goals.

- Healthy Hearts - activities every afternoon to get us moving and developing personal fitness. We've learnt several new games - Johnny Went to Sleep, Hide the Clothespin, Dog Tag, Quoits, Four Corners, and Traffic Tag.

- math - really focussing on the addition basic facts. Watch for some practise games coming home in the next week - be prepared to play together!

- reading - questions we ask ourselves every time we read are:
What might happen next?
What's the main idea of this paragraph?
What are some details I know now?

Remember to fill in your reading log every day and when the sheet is full, bring it to school to trade in for some prizes!!

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