Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Chicklets

When the chicks first hatched, everybody was really excited! Buddy was the first born followed by TJ, the second chick. TJ, the feisty little guy is now two days old. Buddy is now three days old. Buddy is the tamest of the two and TJ is the feistiest. They look like chunks of bright yellow mustard. It is very hard to concentrate when the chicks are chirping all the time while we are working. The chicks chirp and cheep when we are reading chicken books because these are their favorite types of stories to hear. They are very soft and fluffy and also very cute. When they were eggs, they were very quiet and did not distract us. Now that two are hatched, we get distracted from the noise. Buddy hatched over the May long weekend. TJ hatched sometime after school on Tuesday and his feathers were still wet when we came to school on Wednesday morning. Everyone was crowding around the incubator to see the new born chick. Buddy spent more time in the incubator than TJ did because the box was not quite ready for its new residents. Buddy moved into his new home at the end of the day and TJ moved in with his brother the following morning. When we put the food in, only buddy ate. They sometimes lay down in the food dish and they sometimes almost fall into the water dish. We love our chicks so much and hope that our chick will hatch soon. We haven't picked a name for it yet but we soon will chose one. If it is a boy, we may name him Chicken Little but if it is a girl she might be Emily. That's all for now. Bye! Chirp! Chirp!

Kassandra and Leomi


Crystal said...

How will you know if it is a boy or a girl? Just to let you know,I
know the difference.This comment is from Alyssa.

Crystal said...

The chicks are a good topic to
write about.


Crystal said...

I like the interesting vocab and ideas in your story.also I like your names.this comment is from jayme.