Friday, May 25, 2007

Fine Arts

The Alberta Opera Company brought their touring production of "The Frog Prince" to our school this week. It was a fabulous fine arts experience with singing and dancing and the students were enthralled. Sets, costumes, surprises, music, dancing - it was a great exposure to things that aren't often in our students' lives. Thank you to companies like this who are willing to tour around the province.

Several of our students got to be supporting actors in the production. Great fun!

She had to go to the swampy place to find the golden ball and then she gave it to the swamp monster family so they could both get out of that place.

He wished and he tried but it didn't happen - he was still a frog!

Moral of the story - You can be a friend to anyone all the time! It was a great fit with our character education assembly topics.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Education Week . . .

was celebrated with several special events last week.

Chris Scheetz from CISN 103.9 dropped by to read at our morning assembly

A little line dancing was our Healthy Hearts activity

A special musical presentation by the Trochu High School Band

Experiencing a western day

Learning more about auctions and auctioneers

Education Week was an event of celebrating all the kinds of awesome learning that happen at CES every single day!