Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Saying Goodbye

Our school secretary has moved to a new job at Central Office and we had to say good-bye to her last week. It was a sad time for her, as she's been at Calmar school for 14 years. We will miss her dearly but wish her every success as she learns new things. Thank you for doing such an awesome job here, Carol!

Students signed a giant card for her

Everyone got a high 5 or a hug!

Friday, January 12, 2007

First Week Back

It's been cold, windy and snowy but we are back in class! It was great to see everyone on Monday and hear all about the holiday activities and fun. Wow - lots of cool presents came to lots of very good kids! Here's a quick review of this week's activities:

Monday - reading, writing, math - we were back into the groove real quick
Tuesday - started a new unit on basketball in phys ed and finished geometric solids in math
Wednesday - Mrs. K couldn't get through the snowbanks to come to school - there were only 10 kids here
Thursday - reviewing multiplication concepts and preparing for the unit test next week
Friday - finding out lots of new things about 4 countries around the world - we'd like to go on a major fieldtrip to visit!

And we had lots of indoor recess time this week! Hopefully the weather will improve and we can play outside in all the snow next week. Stay warm this weekend!