After a PD day on Tuesday, I was empowered to work on setting criterion with the students this week. We looked at 3 different curriculum areas over the last 3 days. I want to share what the students decided about each of the topics so I'll post one at a time over the next week. The question I posed in each instance was
"what makes a ........? What does it/he/she look like?"
A. What makes a good reader?
(in the kids' words, using vocabulary that we have used in the classroom all year)
- tries hard
- pays attention to the book/story
- reads with good speed
- checks back when not sure
- practices often
- reads big words
- reads smoothly
- chooses the right book
- understands what is read - comprehends
- makes connections
- to self
- to text
- to the world
- extends the experience
- draws or creates artwork
- writes about what might happen next
- writes another book or story to follow this one
- makes a play based on it
- can write about it
- reader's response
- can visualize (see pictures in your mind)
- makes predictions
WE have the chart up in the room and we refer to it often.
As a reading response, they wrote about 3 things they do now and 1 thing they'd like to improve. I was so proud of them for developing this list - I was really just the scribe. I love celebrating our learning!!!
Thanks to Dr. Anne Davies, who showed us how to do this and made us practice with a sample on Tuesday. She totally empowered me!