Tuesday, November 28, 2006

End of November - already!

Another month is fading! This one has seen report cards, interviews, a fieldtrip and the beginning of Christmas Concert practices.

Due to inclement weather on Thursday night, some of the later parent teacher student interviews were cancelled. I will be contacting you to reschedule this week. Please send me a note if you have a preference for date and time.

Students have brought home words for 2 Christmas songs that they will be singing at our concert in 2 weeks on December 14th. Please memorize both of them - this will be the reader's theatre assignment for this week.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Report Cards!

Have left the building! Students will have important news to share with you about their progress in grade 3 today. It's always so amazing to reflect on how much they have learned in just 10 weeks. Already they are so different than they were in September.

Also included in the envelope is an interview time when I will be very pleased to meet with each student and their parents to discuss progress. Please let me know if you are unable to come at the interview time and I will be very happy to reschedule.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Science Test Tomorrow!

We are finishing our unit on hearing and sound and tomorrow I would like you to show me what you know! Here are some ideas you should be able to tell me about:
parts of the ear
how your ears work
how to care for your ears

I'm looking forward to seeing everything you know!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Operation Christmas Child

Thank you to all of our students, parents and community members who helped us fill and send 100 shoeboxes to Samaritan's Purse for distribution around the world!! There will be some very happy children receiving these boxes in places like Mexico, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Chile and India. Sometimes very small gifts like pencils, paper and toothpaste can be the best gifts!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Writing Project

Today we looked at what makes a story 'good'.
What kind of stories do we like to read?
What makes some stories interesting and others boring?
Why do we say "keep reading" sometimes?
How can a story be improved?

Tomorrow we are going to look at 3 stories and assess them using a rubric. Mrs. Fandrick will be helping us for 2 blocks every day this week. As part of our school's AISI (Alberta Initiative for School Improvements) project, we are involved in a GREAT project learning more about self reflection and individual assessments. This week our class is learning how to use a rubric to assess story writing pieces. If you are interested in learning more about this project, check the Black Gold website under the AISI tab.

Friday, November 03, 2006

November's Here!

After an awesome time celebrating Halloween this week, we are now into a new month! This is a month of tests, report cards, reflecting and planning for the learning that will happen for the rest of the year. Busy, busy stuff for all of us here at CES.

One of our focus areas next week will be on the theme of Remembrance Day and world peace. On Thursday, grade 3 - 6 students will have an opportunity to hear a parent speak about service in the armed forces. On Friday, Nov. 10th, at 10:45 a.m., there will be a school assembly in honor of those who have served our country in war and in peace keeping. Students who belong to Brownies, Guides, Scouts or any other group that wears a uniform are invited to come to assembly in their uniform. Parents are invited to join us at this time. Poppies are available in the office this week for a donation amount of your choosing.

The social test planned for today has been postponed due to a technical problem with the school photo copy machine.