Thursday, June 15, 2006

Swimming Fieldtrips

We have gone swimming 2 times at the Tri-Leisure Centre in Spruce Grove. We are going one more time on June 23. We have tried the water slides, play house, boogie boards and just playing. It really is fun!

We are going bowling on the last day of school. Liam has never been bowling even though he did want to go for his birthday. Bryton thinks it will be hard for Liam to get the ball all the way down the lane because he had a hard time the first time he went.
But Bryton was 7 and Liam is 8 so maybe it will be easier because he is stronger. We'll see!! After bowling, we are going to have lunch at McDonald's

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Friday, June 02, 2006

This is in the front foyer where we meet up and you can see this mural. Mrs. Brod's daughter Jeanine McIntosh painted the picture. She is a very good artist - she did this painting in one weekend - just 2 days. Stingrays are one of the biggest mammals ever! We are a good track team named the Calmar Elementary Stingrays. The track team is very fast and we get to wear tshirts with a stingray on them. On the back of our shirts it says "We will shock you!". That's a good school motto for our awesome school.